The secret behind FANG AutoTrader technology is operating a portfolio of FANG stocks using multiple non-correlated strategies. The FANG AutoTrader trades the most liquid and active stocks in the NASDAQ 100. This includes Facebook, Apple and Amazon, Netflix, Google.
The FANG AutoTrader is FREE! Use the link in the right sidebar to establish a TradeStation account. You will receive a special discount on trades that amounts to a rebate for the total cost of the FANG AutoTrader. In effect you get the FANG AutoTrader for free!
Included: Open Source Software, LIVE Admin Training, Online Course, 1 year of Unlimited LIVE Support.
Purchase and Schedule Your Installation
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Is It Real or Hypothetical?
The performance report below shows nearly 10 years of backtested results of the system, the last two years were out of sample, which means it ran against live market data with no optimizations. While the report is hypothetical, and include generous slippage and commissions, the actual performance has proven to be slightly better.*