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This service is unlike any other service out there. I have tried a handful of services and left them all, typically with good theoretical knowledge and no money to show for it. The problem with alert services is that communication is typically in one direction, and it is easy to put faith into the trade calls during times when the system is working. This can be dangerous as it is easy to become complacent or aggressive with position sizing based on a small sample size of trades and the assumption that the service provider must know what he or she is doing. Ultimately every system goes through a drawdown period, which happens right around when you grow comfortable with the system and therefore some level of complacent/aggressive. The drawdown wipes out all of your gains for the duration of the service and, during this time, the provider seems to go quiet, or offers little assistance or Q&A. This service solves this problem of trade/provider dependency by offering non-discretionary, high probability alerts with high quality support on possible ways to trade the alerts while leaving the execution up to the individual trader. For the first time, I am owning my trades, learning how I need to trade to fit me, and making money. Thanks Patterncast and everyone involved!
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I've been using PatternCast for a little over a month now. My trading skills have increased, aswell as my orders of magnitude. I'm going to be a subscriber forever.
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Well, as a complete noob to trading, joining this service has been an invaluable experience. Not only do you consistently get spoon fed awesome trades from our future AI overlord, you also get sound and practical trading advice from two very seasoned trading veterans on how to manage your trades, among other things. And that knowledge is waaaay more valuable than the trades long-term. A word to all my fellow trading noobs with small accounts: Start off paper trading in order to refine the way you execute and manage the Patterncast trades, AND for the sake of everything sweet and holy, follow ALL the rules and minimize your downside.
Read MorePatterncast solves one of the most difficult aspects of trading; coming up with the multiple non-correlated strategies one needs to be truly anti-fragile. This is achieved via the “if this, then that” target setups that are generated daily by an increasingly-clever neural network, across a wide range of futures contracts and forex pairs (and, increasingly, single stocks). Sipping from this firehose of possibilities, a trader is able to focus on managing their risk (via the choice of appropriately small contract sizes) and executing in a dispassionate way, unhindered (in theory at least!) by emotion. What truly helps with the latter challenge of execution is the training and support provided by Ernie and the Artificial Intelligence Mentor both within and outside of the Discord channel. There are clearly many decades of “in the trenches” trading experience being shared, and for me, the combination of the “strategy generation shortcut” of the signals and the “experience acceleration shortcut” of the training and channel discussions make this service a unique offering. If you’ve had an itch for years to trade futures (as I had) then this is the support you need to give it a good scratch!
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Subscribing to the PatternCast service and seeing the results it is generating must be akin to what fighter pilots felt like when they first got radar in their planes to find out where potential opponents are at (what asset to trade) AND having guided missiles to lock-on and home-in to them (trigger entry and target exit prices) more aiming blindly in the dark or trying to guess-timate directions with technical analysis! Quite frankly once you learn to trust the AI it could become a bit "unfair" to trade with it, which is why you should subscribe to give you that extra technological edge to profit successfully! The private Discord channel feels like having a squadron of wingmen around to share ideas, experience, and support in addition to the guidance offered by the aces in Ernie and the AI Mentor. Now, excuse me as I feel the need...the need for PROFITS!
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PatternCast has been is great experience for me. In three months, I was able to increase my portfolio by 20%. The support service from Ernie and the AI Mentor has helped me to learn and become more confident in my trading. Following standard rules, which Ernie and the AI Mentor will help you in developing, is key to being successful in this service.
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Using this Service since the Beginning of 2019 and im really happy to have found this gem. The Ai Calls are on point and have a winrate of 80%+. So far my best investment in my life and im excited for the coming month since the Ai is still learning and getting better and better. The Discordchannel with its Community and Ernie and AIMentor as Mentors is also very valuable. There you can learn how to handle the trades and your emotions. If your interested in this service i would give it a shot!
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To be successful as a trader, you basically need two things: 1. Develop an edge and 2. monetize by flawlessly executing the trades that have an edge. PatternCast provides a trader with both these prerequisites to be successful. A daily edge in the market by providing "if-then" setups with proven statitical relevence as well a guidance to execute the trades and managing the account in the chatroom. Highly recommended.
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Great service and support ! The setups have been great and it finally truly feels like I have a real edge when placing trades.
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After first month of trading I have made 11% on capital = 132% annualized, doesn't get better than that for starters. Never traded before but subscribed to many trading "experts", cost thousands only to discover they are frauds. PatternCast is the real deal and there is no one else as transparent, ethical, and supportive, seriously.
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Patterncast is unquestionably a five-star product and the best value in the market today. Admittedly, I have attended Tone Vays' workshop and it does not even compare to the value proposition of Patterncast. Really, it puts Tone's workshop to shame and into the category of Warrior Trading and Jason Bond. Most services and training programs will claim that they pay for themselves, but Patterncast actually does and the results are quantifiable. Two trades have paid for my first month of using the service. That being said, I strongly believe that Patterncast should be used as it is intended. Particularly, as a tool that supplements a trader's already established methodology, helping that trader generate consistent non-correlated returns.
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I have been trying to make money trading for years with not much success. In three months with this service I have made enough to pay for a whole year subscription. At least I am not losing money anymore. Great support! Great service!
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If you have always been intimidated by the complicated trading systems out on the market today then I am here to tell you today is a new day. The Pattern Cast system has given a trading "Noob" like me a chance to succeed trading a small account. Now that my wife and I am retired, I was looking for an activity to learn and have some fun together. So making tons of money is not my primary motivation. Trading a small account has its challenges but in my first week using Pattern Cast to trade a simulated $10K account, I had two trades trigger that were profitable enough combined to pay for 2 months of my yearly subscription. Once you become a Pattern Cast subscriber you feel like you are part of a community that supports each other in the Discord chat room with shared knowledge, trading experiences, and top notch training materials. Whatever your motivation, the Pattern Cast system gives you a fighting chance to succeed in your trading goals.
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This service has been nothing short of phenomenal. The signals that are generated along with the support received in the discord room are second to none. If you are a new trader this service will benefit you immensely by taking out a lot of the complexity with trading. If you are an experienced trader I promise you will want to add this to your war chest. THIS SERVICE LITERALLY PAYS FOR ITSELF.
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PatternCast is an impressive service on every front. It is the trading equivalent to the old adage "...teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime." Not only are the trade signals stunningly accurate but by implementing the guidelines of the system, one's trading acumen increases essentially by default. Those things alone would make the service well worth the investment several times over, but the benefits do not end there. The creators of the service offer first rate support, guidance, and education accompanied by an ethos of full transparency, and a steadfast commitment to make the service the absolute best it can be. It is an intrepid product at the vanguard of new frontiers in technologically assisted trading.
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